Naturopathic Medicine

A Natural Approach to Wellness

Exploring naturopathic medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that emphasizes the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Combining modern scientific knowledge with traditional healing practices, naturopathic medicine focuses on addressing the root causes of illness and promoting overall wellness. With a strong emphasis on personalized care, prevention, and natural remedies, naturopathic medicine aims to restore balance and optimize health, empowering individuals to lead vibrant and fulfilling lives.

enhancing your health

Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

First Do No Harm

Naturopathic Doctors utilize the most natural, least invasive, and least toxic therapies

Identify & Treat the Causes

Naturopathic Doctors look beyond symptoms to find the underlying cause of illness.

Treat the whole person

Naturopathic Doctors view the body as a complex integrated system.

Nature's Healing Power

Naturopathic Medicine recognizes an inherent healing process that is intelligent and ordered.

Doctor as Teacher

Naturopathic Doctors educate and empower patients to achieve optimal health through the therapeutic doctor-patient relationship.


Naturopathic Doctors focus on overall health, wellness, and disease prevention.

Go deeper

how we intervene

Naturopathic doctors undergo rigorous education and training in accredited naturopathic medical colleges. They are equipped to diagnose, prevent, and treat both acute and chronic illnesses, with the primary goal of restoring and establishing optimal health. Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses on symptom suppression, naturopathic doctors strive to identify and address the underlying causes of illness. Naturopathic medicine offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to healthcare, prioritizing the innate self-healing process and the overall well-being of the individual.

Naturopathic doctors begin by identifying and eliminating factors that disrupt health, such as poor diet, digestive issues, chronic stress, and individual imbalances. By addressing these obstacles, they create a foundation for improved health and pave the way for subsequent treatments to be more effective.

Utilizing therapies such as clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, and acupuncture, naturopathic doctors work to enhance the body’s inherent self-healing mechanisms. These treatments aim to strengthen the body’s ability to heal and restore balance.

Naturopathic medicine recognizes and honors the interconnectedness of the body’s organ systems. Naturopathic Doctors will identify imbalance and work to restore optimal function.

Physical modalities such as spinal manipulation, massage therapy, and craniosacral therapy are utilized to improve musculoskeletal integrity and promote overall structural wellness.

Emphasizing the restoration of health rather than merely treating symptoms, naturopathic doctors prioritize safe and natural substances to promote healing and regeneration without adding toxicity to the body.

Trained in pharmacology, naturopathic doctors may utilize pharmaceutical drugs when appropriate, either through direct prescribing (where permitted by state regulations) or by referring patients to other licensed healthcare providers.

When interventions such as surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy are necessary to preserve life or function, naturopathic doctors refer patients to specialists in these fields. They may also provide complementary therapies to mitigate side effects and enhance treatment outcomes.

Optimize your health

Ready to begin?

Optimizing your health now will improve your life span and health for the future.

If you’re ready to begin your wellness journey, we’d love to hear your story and see if we’re a good fit.